Multi Engine Training

The multi-engine aircraft will often allow more passengers to be flown over a greater distance, higher and faster…

Ultimately, most pilots are either going to want to fly these aircraft simply for the challenge of it, or need to fly these aircraft for the professional development opportunities that they provide.

However, the safety inferred by having two (or more) engines demands that the operating pilot has a strong grasp of the intricacies of multi-engine flight, as well as the knowledge required to manage the increased complexity of aircraft systems.

The Flight Standards course will equip pilots with the skills and knowledge to be competent flying the multi-engine aircraft, with emphasis on the practical and efficient management of flight profiles, both during normal operations and in the event of an emergency. The course is delivered by instructors who fly these aircraft daily in charter operations and who conduct training and checking duties for respected operators within the Northern Territory.

Training is nominally conducted in the Beech Baron or Cessna 310R, types widely found in the General Aviation industry – providing the extra advantage of making pilots “job-ready” for many operators in the Top End.

Contact us today to discuss a flexible training option to suit your needs: