Flight Assessments

Our Senior Instructor is the only CASA Flight Examiner residing in the Northern Territory generally available to conduct flight assessments.  In addition to servicing the requirements of Flight Standards, he is regularly engaged by GA and Regional Airlines throughout the Northern Territory, Western Australia and Queensland to conduct specialist training and checking.

He is able to conduct the applicable Flight Test for the issue of all Aeroplane Pilot Licences and Ratings.

Flight assessment services are available for the following:


  • Recreational Pilot Licence (including RA Aus transition)
  • Private Pilot Licence
  • Commercial Pilot Licence
  • Air Transport Pilot Licence

Operational Ratings (initial issue & proficiency check):

  • Instrument Rating
  • Low Level Rating
  • Night VFR

Type & Class Ratings:

  • Multi-Engine Aircraft
  • Single Engine Aircraft

Specific type training / assessment / flight review are available for the following:

  • Beechcraft 1900 Airliner
  • Beechcraft Kingair 
  • Cessna 441 Conquest
  • Cessna 208 Caravan
  • SA226/227 Metroliner

English Language Proficiency (Level 6)


Contact us today to discuss your flight assessment needs.

Contact us today to discuss a flexible training option to suit your needs: